Introduction to the Equator Principles
The Equator Principles (EP) which are issued by The Equator Principles Association in 2003, are intended to serve as a common baseline and risk management framework for financial institutions to assure, assess and manage environmental and social risks when financing projects. To fulfill its commitments to corporate sustainable development, Taiwan Cooperative Financial Holdings Company became an Equator Principles Financial Institution (EFPI) on March 30, 2022. See more information on The Equator Principles Association Website:
Implementation Procedure of the Equator Principles
In line with the Equator Principles, the subsidiaries of TCFHC have formulated the" Guidelines for Loans Applicable to the Equator Principles " and related operating procedures. The Taiwan Cooperative Bank set up an "Environmental and Social Risk Team,” responsible for evaluating the impact of the environmental and social risks on the case and composing the Environmental and Social Risk Review Report for the authority level to approve, to ensure that the case meets the requirements of the Equator Principles, the environmental and social regulations to fulfill the social responsibilities of the bank.
Education and training
To help all units familiarize with the mechanisms of the Equator Principles and the newly added forms for EP implementation, we appoint external consultants to provide training courses and materials to deepen employees’ understanding of environmental and social risks to fully comply with the Equator Principles.
Annual Equator Principles Report
In 2023, 4 Project Finance transactions and 2 Project-Related Corporate Loans covered by the Equator Principles, reached financial close. No Project Finance Advisory mandated and no project-related refinance and acquisition finance was extended in 2023.